Lyn: Happy Stormlight Thursday, my Cosmere Chickens! I hope you’re all doing well and that you’re ready for me to wax poetic this week, because it’s time for an Adolin chapter in which he talks a lot about swords. Yes, that’s right… two of my favorite things! Lucky you!
Alice: And don’t forget all the fashion! Yup, it’s an Adolin chapter, all right.
L: It’s practically Cosmere Christmas.
Reminder: We’ll be discussing spoilers for the entirety of the series up until now. If you haven’t read ALL of the published entries of the Stormlight Archive (this includes the novellas Edgedancer and Dawnshard, as well as the entirety of Rhythm of War), best to wait to join us until you’re done.
In this week’s discussion we also discuss some things from Mistborn in the discussion of the epigraph just below here, and Warbreaker in the Cosmere Connections section, so if you haven’t read those, best to give those sections a pass.
Heralds: Kalak, aka Kelek. Resolute/Builder. Willshapers. Role: Maker
A: I spent some time trying to figure this out, then gave up and moved on. Now, I’m wondering if Kalak is here because the Willshapers were the ones known for wanting to do their own thing. Like Adolin.
Icon: The Shardbearer, indicating an Adolin POV chapter.
I have been fascinated to discover how much you’ve accomplished on Scadrial without me noticing your presence. How is it that you hide from Shards so well?
A: As noted last week, on a bet Sazed has met Hoid, and just doesn’t know it—but it may also have been prior to his Ascension, so he has a good excuse.
L: I guess old Saze is like a lot of the readers, then! Hoid’s notoriously hard to spot in Mistborn, unless you’re looking for him.
Chapter Recap
WHO: Adolin
WHERE: Urithiru
WHEN: 1175.4.1.4 (Three days after Chapter 20)
(Note: For the “when” notations, we are using this wonderful timeline provided by the folks at The 17th Shard.)
Adolin is taking his time choosing an outfit when Shallan confronts him about being late. He makes his way to check up on Kaladin at the new clinic first, and the two chat about how Kaladin is doing. Then Adolin heads outside, where the expedition to Shadesmar is preparing to leave. He inspects his belongings, then has a tense discussion with Dalinar before starting the journey to Shadesmar.
Overall Reactions
Choosing an outfit for the day was a lot like fighting a duel. In both, instincts—rather than conscious decisions—were the key to victory.
L: In which Lyn blathers endlessly about how much she loves Adolin:
And you couldn’t rely on your gut in fashion choices if you hadn’t already spent hours studying the folios.
L: I will never tire of Adolin shirking traditional Alethi gender roles in his love of fashion. NEVER. But especially because he’s so, so right. The clothes you wear make a huge impact in how others perceive you. If you’re walking into a business meeting in a comfy hoodie and pair of sweatpants, you’re not going to be taken as seriously as if you were wearing a tailored three piece suit. Dressing for the occasion is another form of battle, and I’m so glad that Adolin appreciates it!
A: It helps that he’s got the chops to carry it off. That bit where he noted that not many would be able to wear the yellow jacket, but if he wore it, by the next day everyone else would by trying to emulate it? It doesn’t even come across like vanity; just acknowledging the facts. The implication that the imitators wouldn’t be able to pull it off made me cackle like a little witch. I love Adolin.
L: Being able to pull off an unconventional outfit is 75% confidence, and we all know Adolin’s certainly got that in spades! He’s rarely obnoxious about it, though.
Traditional: Kholin blue with white cuffs. Bold white embroidery, with his glyphs—the tall tower and a stylized version of his Blade—on the back.
L: ::scribbles down notes for more cosplays::
At his suggestion she’d replaced the white trousers and jacket with a more practical tan and blue ensemble. White wouldn’t travel well…
L: Bless you, Adolin Kholin, for being practical.
A: I had so much fun with this whole paragraph. Definitely practical, but also making sure that it still worked with her hat—and adding a band to the hat because… well, because Adolin? Because it will look better!
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The Witness for the Dead
Many would have simply assumed it to be an ordinary Kholin uniform. Adolin had designed it himself four years earlier. He’d wanted to create something that would look sharp while satisfying his father’s requirements to be in uniform. The project had excited him for weeks; it had been his first—and only—real attempt at clothing design.
L: I like to think that, in an alternate universe, Adolin Kholin would have been a wonderful fashion designer. We’ll call him Roshar-2 Adolin.
A: Heh. Can you imagine if he hadn’t been a prince? He’d have apprenticed himself to Yokska and learned all about it.
“I talk to my sword too,” Adolin told them. “Funny thing is, she eventually talked back. Never be afraid to show a little respect to those you depend upon, friends.”
L: I’m so terrified for this cinnamon roll of a man. He’s too damn pure for this world, murder on his hands or no.
A: I can’t help thinking this is all foreshadowing, but I’m not sure what for. Maya will talk back more later, sure, but I’m wondering when Gallant is going to find a way to speak as well. Or something.
Or I suppose it could just be setting up the scene for Maya later. It just feels like more.
“I just love finding the best weapon for the job.” … Adolin didn’t pick the best duelists; he chose men who could cook and do laundry in the field. Most importantly, he needed men who wouldn’t balk at oddities.
L: Not only does he pick the best outfits and the best weapons for the job, he picks the right people, too. Adolin takes his time to think deeply about all the decisions he makes, when he can afford to do so. It’s an incredible quality to have as a leader of men.
A: Indeed. It’s almost comical; he does this sort of thing automatically, if you can say that about something that takes real thought. He thinks about who he’s choosing, but he doesn’t think, “this is a thing a good leader will do.” I think it’s a combination of training and personality.
L: Oh look this is also the chapter where I get to wax poetic about SWORDS!
“This?” Adolin said, patting his side sword. “Oh sure, this is better than nothing, but I’d hate to be caught with just it and no buckler.
L: I’ve taken quite a few stage combat courses, and this whole section just tickles me pink. An arming (one-handed) sword is great, but Adolin’s right… a buckler is also essential, and can be used as a weapon itself!
A: This also reminds me of the debates about the RoW cover art. Some argued that it didn’t make sense for Adolin to be carrying a sword, so that had to be someone else on the back cover. Others pointed out that, after the last trip through Shadesmar, there’s no way in Damnation that Adolin was going in there armed only with a knife again. Well, now we know… Adolin most definitely took a sword along into Shadesmar. Or six or seven. And a warhammer.
L: That’s my boy.
Besides, I’ve trained to duel mostly on longswords and greatswords.”
L: This makes perfect sense, since he’s preparing himself to use Shardblades. A Shardblade is bigger than even a greatsword (they’re almost comically large), but learning how to wield a weapon two-handed would be essential, and greatswords would have to be wielded as such. (A longsword could be used either one or two-handed.) Okay, honestly I could go on about this for pages because I LOVE SWORDS, but I’ll spare you all the TED talk. (I… just realized that I did the same exact thing Adolin did. This may be another reason why I love him so much…)
A: I don’t believe you…
L: All right, I lied. One more comment on swords, but only because this directly ties into history:
The ancient Shardblades—the dead ones that most Shardbearers used—were locked, apparently into the last shape they’d held.
L: This really makes me wonder what, exactly, they were all fighting in that final battle in which they laid down their swords. Thunderclasts would make sense to be fighting with such huge weapons, but… something gives me the feeling that there was something else to this.
A: I’ve always wondered who the enemy was in that situation. The last of the singers who still had viable forms, maybe?
L: But if that were the case, why the huge showy weapons?
A: I can only make guesses, and none of them are very satisfactory.
However, when they wanted to show off, they created something majestic and otherworldly—something that was less about practicality and more about awe. That indicated most Shardblades, his own included, had practical forms—but had been abandoned in their more showy styles.
L: So… were they trying to show off? To whom?
A: They were making a point, I suppose, though I’m not sure I could put my finger on what that point is. Sheer drama? The Recreance scene we saw in Dalinar’s vision was clearly meant to get attention, although (as we learn much later) they probably didn’t realize the spren would be stuck like that interminably. Best guess, they wanted to drive home the point that this action was being taken by the Knights Radiant!!! not just any old army with any old swords. And that they were DONE with this war.
Spren and Shadesmar
“Be careful, Adolin,” she said, flitting up into the air. “My kind aren’t like highspren—we don’t look to laws, but to morality, as our guide.”
“That’s good, isn’t it?” Adolin said.
“It is… unless you happen to disagree with their interpretation of morality.”
L: Hooboy. That does sound like a disaster waiting to happen…
A: Maybe that’s why I test out as a Skybreaker instead of a Windrunner. I want defined absolutes, not emotions, to determine what is fair and honorable.
…what we feel can often be more important to us than what we think.
L: Letting your emotions rule you even when presented with logical facts is indeed problematic… but maybe it makes sense for spren, who are literal manifestations of emotion…
A: Some of them are, anyway. Some of them are literal manifestations of concepts or observable phenomena.
Relationships and Romances
…she wasn’t Veil today—not with the red hair. Plus, he could usually tell by the way she looked at him.
L: I love that he knows her well enough at this point to be able to tell.
A: He’s been able to do that (at least to some extent) for quite a while, though—he did it on the wall in Thaylen City, too. But aside from picking nits, I totally agree: He knows her well enough to know which persona she’s wearing at any given moment. It’s cool, but it also breaks my heart a little.
Father probably still wouldn’t approve, but these days Dalinar didn’t approve of Adolin in general.
L: Ahhh. Here we have our first (I think? I forget if we saw any glimpses of this in Part One) indication that Not All Is Well between father and son. Going into this book, I was hoping to see what Adolin’s thoughts would be on the reality of his mother’s death (and Dalinar keeping that knowledge from him before his little trip to the Nightwatcher). Interestingly, however, what we’re seeing here is that Dalinar is disapproving of Adolin. Because of his murder of Sadeas, presumably. Conflict is, of course, the backbone of a story and I’m glad to see it for that purpose. But it does make me sad to see Adolin and Dalinar on the outs with one another. Is it realistic? Hooboy yeah. Relationships with parents are always complex and multi-layered, even for those of us who are lucky enough to have good ones.
A: Adolin has long had a feeling of not living up to Dalinar’s expectations, so I’m not entirely sure why he phrases it as “these days.” I guess it’s more obvious now; before, it was a matter of silly things like being overly concerned with fashion, or not taking something-or-other seriously enough. Now Adolin has done something that is completely outside the limits of Dalinar’s expectations of “I want my son to be better than me,” and neither of them quite know how to deal with it.
“Have you come to torment me, or is there an actual purpose behind this visit?”
“I just wanted to check on you,” Adolin said. “See how retirement is going.”
L: I adore their friendship, honestly. The fact that Adolin takes the time to check up on him, especially after Kaladin’s latest depressive episode when Adolin found him sitting against the wall… He’s a good, caring friend. I hope that someday Kaladin comes to appreciate him more, and repays the favor.
A: It’s really a delight, isn’t it? It was important to him to check before they left, and even if Kaladin acts grumpy about it, I think he does appreciate it. Syl sure does, anyway! And I appreciated her comments on the subject (nice way to tell the reader what’s going on, Brandon): that since moving to the clinic and spending time with his family, Kaladin is sleeping better and is more relaxed, even if he still has nightmares. “He’s almost never alone.” What a gift. (Too bad it won’t last…)
Adolin walked over and put his hand on Kaladin’s shoulder. “Hey,” he said. “It chases us all. Including me, Kal.”
L: How is he just… the sweetest person on Roshar? I love their bromance so much.
A: I kind of expect to see Kaladin eventually register what Adolin just said… that for all his appearance of carefree highprince, he’s not unscarred by all the warfare.
L: One of the less-nice things about depression is being unable to see or care about others. It sort of… dampens your empathy, when you’re really far down in it. You just lack the energy to care; you’re using too much of it to keep yourself going.
A: Too true. It’s good to have someone around who “gets it” but doesn’t actually suffer from depression—or at least not at the same time and the same way. When Adolin noticed the way Kaladin had the surgery knives so handy, and deliberately triggered a reaction, it was… I can’t find the right word. Heartwarming, in a way, because it brought the elephant-chull in the room out where they could talk around it. Kaladin needs this so much.
Take these months to relax. When I return though, let’s find a chance to spar together again, all right? I want you to see what I see in duels. It’s not about hurting others. It’s about being your best.”
“I… don’t know if I can ever think like you do,” Kaladin said. He wrapped his fist around the metal disc. “But thank you. I’ll keep the offer in mind.”
L: This can only be conveyed in a reaction gif.
“Thank you,” Adolin said to Gallant. “For being with me. I know you’d rather be with Father.” The horse blew out, then reached his muzzle into Adolin’s hand.
Ryshadium chose their riders; they were not broken or trained. They accepted you, or they did not—and it was very rare for one to allow two riders.
L: I’m so glad that Adolin is forming a bond with Gallant. He won’t replace Sureblood, of course, but it’s nice to see him bonding with another Ryshadium.
A: This was another delight. Both of them benefit from this relationship, but I’ll admit I was stunned to see Gallant going with Adolin into Shadesmar, going away from Dalinar. That was not expected.
“That’s a new uniform,” Dalinar said to him. “Better than some you’ve been wearing lately.”
“That’s amusing,” Adolin said. “Four years ago when I last wore this, you called it disgraceful.”
L: Oof. Oh, dear. This isn’t starting off well.
A: Just a touch of resentment, here? A tiny little bit, maybe? It’s almost comical—if it weren’t so sad—to see Adolin using the jacket as a representation of an issue that’s so much bigger than this.
“Son,” Dalinar said, “I’m not disappointed in you.”
“Aren’t you? Can you say that truthfully, with an oath?”
Dalinar fell silent.
L: Yeah. Definitely not going well. I find it interesting that even the most empathic person, when faced with a betrayal by someone close to them, can allow their emotions and better judgment to be overruled by hurt. Dalinar is clearly really trying to mend bridges here, and Adolin’s having none of it.
A: And this is so not the time to be having this conversation. They needed to face each other and talk about what was really going on, for each of them, months ago. It’s been festering. But isn’t that the way many of us do it? Avoid it, avoid it… and then bring it out in a really stupid, petty way at the wrong time.
L: Granted, this isn’t the worst time they could be having this conversation. In the middle of a battle would be worse. But it’s certainly not great, when Adolin is heading off to an uncertain fate in Shadesmar.
A: Yeah. Maybe it’s good to at least bring it up before they go different directions for months, but at the same time… everyone else is crammed into the control room waiting for him, so they can’t actually deal with it now. ::Sigh::
Dalinar sighed. “Don’t go down this road, son. Do not let my failings drive you to rebel against what you know is right, merely because it’s what I wish of you.”
“I’m not—” Adolin made fists, trying to squeeze out his frustration. “I’m not simply rebelling, Father. I’m not fourteen anymore.”
L: This is such a difficult position for them both to be in. I can absolutely understand and sympathize with both sides, here. Adolin wants to be his own man and have his father respect his life choices. Dalinar doesn’t want him to make the same mistakes he did.
A: Yep. As a parent, you’re just aching to have your kid learn at least a little from the stupid mistakes you made—and as the “kid” in question, being treated like a child when you’re an adult with responsibilities of your own is really not helpful.
“Murdering a man in a back alley, then lying about it? Well, the world is better off without him. In fact, there are a lot of people this world could do without. Let’s start removing them quietly.…”
Maybe I murdered Sadeas, Adolin thought. But at least I never killed anyone innocent. At least I didn’t burn my own wife to death.
L: Aaaaaaand there it is. That’s why Adolin is lashing out so much, and he’s even self-cognizant enough to realize it.
A: ::Sigh:: As much as I think they needed to talk about this, I’ll admit I have no idea what either of them could possibly say. Adolin even acknowledges that it was an accident, that Dalinar had no idea Evi was there until after it was far too late, but… that doesn’t change the fact that it was Dalinar’s order to burn out the “hidey-hole” that killed her. What is there to say?
One could know these things without feeling them. And this. Wasn’t. Something. You. Forgave.
L: Yikes. I… can’t exactly blame him. I’ve never been in that position, and I can’t imagine how awful it must feel to be so. This isn’t something that you can just hand-wave and be okay with five minutes later. It’s going to take a lot of work and self-analysis. And, hopefully, communication.
A: This is one where I completely understand him feeling this way, but I wish I could reach in and tell him: The only way to deal with this is to forgive. It cannot be changed, and it cannot be forgotten; the only way to ever restore a relationship between these men is to make the deliberate, conscious choice to forgive what seems unforgivable. And it’s going to have to go both ways. Not making excuses for each other, but recognizing that while you can never like a past action, you can forgive it and let go of the bitterness.
L: There is another option. He’s not obliged to keep his father in his life. Just because they’re related doesn’t mean he has to forgive him. I do think that this would be going too far in this specific situation; Dalinar is actively trying to be a better person. I’m just pointing out that there are more options for Adolin, here. As he himself points out:
“Maybe—incredible though it may seem—there are more than two choices in life.
L: He’s not wrong.
A: Nope. I wonder why we’re so prone to seeing false binaries? There are always more than two choices in life. But I don’t think cutting his father out of his life is a real possibility. Not just that I think it would be deeply unhealthy for both of them, but Dalinar is king of Urithiru, and Adolin is Kholin Highprince living in Urithiru. They have to work together. (Plus, the effect on Renarin would be devastating.)
L: I did say that it would be going too far in this situation, in my opinion. But if you, my chickens, find yourself in a similar situation, let this serve as a gentle reminder that there are other options than just “forgive and move on.”
A: Someone wiser than me once said something to the effect that “forgiveness isn’t solely for the benefit of the other person; it frees you from the bitterness of holding on to the anger.” Which is what I think Adolin needs. It’s also something that requires time and reflection, as well as a decision. Never easy.
“You want me to become one of them, don’t you?” Adolin said. “Part of the purpose of this trip, in your eyes, is for me to become a Radiant!”
“Your brother is worthy,” Dalinar said, “and your father—against his best efforts—has proven worthy. I’m sure you will prove yourself too.”
As if I didn’t have enough burdens.
L: Oh, for… Dalinar. Really? Really? I get that he’s trying to do what’s best for his son, and that he believes in him, but… let your kids make their own mistakes and be who they want to be, buddy.
A: Forget making their own mistakes, why are you tying this to personal worth??? Is this suddenly how we measure the worth of a man?
I can make excuses for Dalinar’s perspective, given he has pretty much been one of the elite for the last 30-plus years, and given his family is of course the logical choice for the new elite group, but… argh. Bad word choice at the very least, but really a bad attitude toward the whole bond question. The spren don’t seem to be concerned very much about “worth”—at least not as the humans see it.
A: Not directly related to the quote, but it occurs to me that Kaladin and Adolin have similar situations (duh!) with their fathers, but their reactions are very different. They both have fathers whom they love and whose approval they want very much. They each feel that they aren’t living up to their father’s expectations. Both feel that their father has a valid view, but they aren’t sure it’s right for them. The big difference (in this chapter) is that Adolin is trying to find a way of his own that honors the values he shares with Dalinar, but which is distinctly his own; Kaladin is pretty sure that Lirin is right and he himself is wrong, but can’t figure out how to force himself to feel/think the way he “should.”
And of course, this is going to come up over and over through the book.
L: This may be a thing we begin to address in the “Overall Themes” section going forward, as it is very prevalent.
A: Brandon really pulled out all the stops on dealing with uncomfortable life issues in this book, didn’t he? Well, maybe not all the stops, but most of them.
Bruised, Broken, and Disabled
“‘War is the last option of the state that has failed, but it is better than having no options.’”
L: There’s a thing in some forms of story structure in which, at some point early in the story, another character “states the theme” to the main character. This is the lesson that the character must learn and which will result in their personal growth throughout the course of their arc. Whether this is intentional in this case I don’t know, but it feels like a theme stated moment for Kaladin to me. I really love the subtlety of it.
“You should have been the surgeon, Adolin,” Kaladin said. “Not me. You care about people.”
L: Okay there Mister “I can’t stand to see anyone die and I’m going to take all these slaves and battered and broken people under my wing and protect them oh and I’m also going to pull all these soldiers suffering from PTSD out of the dark hole they’ve been stuffed in to give them therapy” Stormblessed.
A: Heh. To be fair, he hasn’t gotten quite that far yet. But in a way, I think maybe I can see what he’s saying. Kaladin tends to care about his people—and yes, he tends to pick up all the strays and rejects of society—and will defend them with all he’s got. Adolin rarely seems concerned about whether or not someone qualifies as “his” before he simply cares about them. The only ones beyond his interest are those who have made themselves his enemies.
Truth be told, this fits so well with the Edgedancer Ideals that it’s driving me crazy. I don’t think Adolin is going to be a “traditional” Edgedancer, but he’s got such amazingly Edgedancerish vibes, I almost don’t see a way to avoid it! (Not that I want to, exactly, but I want him and Maya to be something new, so… I’m really conflicted here.)
Oaths Spoken, Powers Awakened
“[Your Shardplate]’s not going to make the transfer, Brightlord,” one armorer warned him. “When you go to Shadesmar, it will be left behind on the platform. It’s been tested on several suits already.”
L: Well, that makes sense, as Shardblades can’t manifest in the Cognitive Realm either. Both are “made of” spren.
A: I’m still wondering why Adolin thought his Plate might behave differently. Because of his relationship with Maya, maybe? Dunno.
Though by far the most talented at illusions among her people, Shallan’s own abilities in Soulcasting had proven… erratic.
L: Hmmm. Because her warring personalities are unstable, maybe?
A: Maybe. I have a vague idea that it’s not entirely unusual for some Radiants to be better at one Surge than the other, and that it can go either way within an Order. If that’s the case, it could just be a case of “even if she’s the leader by dint of being the first, it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s all-around good at everything.” Which would be… kind of refreshing, actually. Nice twist.
Other times, she accidentally created twisted things: flames, sometimes pools of blood, once a translucent crystal.
L: The fact that she’s creating things that are “twisted” does imply that there’s still something unstable about her, and hence her powers. Perhaps after RoW, now that she’s integrated her most harmful personality, she might see some improvement in this regard…
A: Yeah, there’s that twisted theme… so maybe her problem really is a matter of her poor twisted-up mind and heart. Honestly, at this point I’m less concerned about her multiple personalities than I am about her finally being honest with herself.
L: I agree. Her multiple personalities aren’t the problem, not really. They’re a symptom of a deeper problem.
A: Hmm. Am I sensing another Theme to this chapter? Or this whole arc? Shallan and Adolin both have issues they’re burying deep, and they aren’t going to resolve their insecurities until they face and deal with them.
Cosmere Connections
“What is it?” Kaladin asked, taking the disc. One side was engraved with a picture of a divine figure in robes, while the other side bore the same figure in battle gear. Both were surrounded by strange foreign glyphs. It had been coated with some colored enamel at one point, but that had mostly worn off.
“Zahel gave it to me when I finished my training with him,” Adolin said. “Says it’s from his homeland—they use these things as money. Weird, eh?”
L: Money from Nalthis, eh? That’s pretty cool!
He’s from somewhere to the west. He doesn’t look like a foreigner though, so I’m guessing it must be Bavland.”
L: West. Sure. Waaaaaaaaaaaay west, Adolin.
A: Second star to the right, and straight on till morning.
Stargyle’s wife has come down with a sickness.
L: Brandon has stated that this strange sickness sweeping over Roshar is just the common cold, brought here by worldhoppers. I’m wondering if this is just another instance of it. (I’m very glad that it’s nothing more serious than that, because I’ve had quite enough of plagues, thank you very much.)
A: We don’t hear anything further about it, but apparently she recovers before too long. At least, Stargyle goes along to the Emuli battlefront with Dalinar and Jasnah later.
TinFoil TheoryCrafting
“Pattern’s run off to say goodbye to Wit for some reason,” she said. “Said it was very important…”
L: In the grand scheme of tinfoil theories this one’s small potatoes, but… how much do you want to bet that he’s having a chat with Wit about Shallan’s personalities, and maybe something that has to do with a certain second Cryptic?
A: And possibly about communicating through a seon? One of the best things about a reread is finding all the foreshadowing that you had no way of spotting the first time through.
Though Shallan wanted her team to become spies, Jasnah seemed to see their powers of illusion as a distant second to their ability to feed armies.
L: I respect Jasnah for being as smart of a strategist as she is. But she could stand to take a lesson or two in empathy from Adolin.
A: This is very Jasnah. She sees everyone, including herself, as a tool to be used in the fight against Odium. It’s awesome, and also terrifying.
Flora and Fauna of the Physical Realm
Adolin stepped up to the Ryshadium and stared into his watery blue eyes—which, if he looked closely, had a faint swirl of rainbow colors to them.
L: Okay that rainbow swirl has to be significant.
A: Indeed and it does!
Brilliant Buttresses
…had Adolin ever seen Kaladin out of uniform?
L: Yes, you lovable dope, when you first met him when he was a bridgeman.
A: Unless you call the bridgemen’s outfits a uniform… but if so, they weren’t much of one.
“I’m convinced half of them are here to get a peek at me,” Kaladin said, with a sigh. He tied on a white surgeon’s apron. “I fear my notoriety could overshadow the clinic’s purpose.”
Adolin chuckled. “Be careful. Now that I’ve vacated the position, you’re Alethkar’s most eligible bachelor.
L: D’awww! I adore the good-natured teasing between the two of them. And Kaladin having to deal with his adoring fans is always endearing!
A: SO funny to watch Adolin explain all this to Kaladin, starting with noting the long line of women at the clinic. But if anyone would notice all this, and put the pieces together, Adolin is totally the most qualified!
“I… had wondered why so many lighteyed women suddenly needed medication,” he said. “I’d thought that maybe their personal surgeons had been recruited into the war.…” He glanced at Adolin, then blushed.
A: BAHAHAhahahahahahaha!
Kal, don’t let anyone burn the tower down while I’m away.
L: ::ahem::
A: What was that about foreshadowing? Yikes.
“Don’t be silly,” Adolin said, pulling open the door as he gestured at Kaladin’s work clothing. “I could never dress like that.”
L: Oh, Adolin.
“Storms,” a voice said. “Pardon, Brightlord, but how many swords do you need?”
L: As someone who owns… ::counts:: four so far (if you don’t count the stage combat lightsaber), the answer to this question is ALL OF THEM. ALL THE SWORDS, GODEKE. DON’T YOU JUDGE HIM.
A: Personally, I only own three, and have no idea what to do with any of them. (Okay, my husband and I own three. Community property state, okay?)
L: (If you’re curious, see the link in my byline to my TikTok, I put up a video showing all my stage combat weapons.)
“Well,” Adolin said to Godeke, “you can never have too many swords.”
L: ::nods sagely:: Adolin knows what’s up.
That’s it from our side. Have fun and remember to be respectful of the opinions of others!
Alice is starting her Skyward reread, hoping to refresh her memory on All The Things before the new beta arrives in just under three weeks. Wheeee!
Lyndsey has been craving human interaction, so she’ll be doing weekly videos on TikTok regarding the reread every Thursday morning. If you have any questions for her, leave them in the comments of the video! She’d love to “video chat” with you.